Strap a Baby in Hemp Overalls to my Suze Orman power-les crew cut: I LOVE Park Slope!
OK, fine. More specifically, I love Al Di La.
"THANKS FOR THE TIP, ASSHOLE!!!" You might be saying right now, since this place is about as "underground" as giraffe titties on a diving board. But so what? Here's my two cents: Al Di La does, indeed, rock.
However. An open letter to Sideshow Roberto, the guy with the fro who must be the owner:

I think your tripe is better than Babbos. I think it's the best I've had in NYC. That said, your clever "Why don't you adjourn to our WINE BAR [and pound an unholy quantity of prosecco] whilst awaiting your table?" backfired. It didn't so much backfire for YOU, seeing as how once seated, we ordered enough food for several [two-mommied] families, racked up a huge bill, and were basically blacked out by the time the secondi came around; but it certainly backfired for ME, when I woke up on my floor at 4 a.m. with my alarm clock in my ribs, as bruised as my Unflappable Viking drinker's dignity.

FOILED! By a sissy little Italian place!
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