Beans, Beans, the Magical Fruit

The sort of secret blog of Beans, a.k.a. Jules, a.k.a. "Legs for Miles" a.k.a. "Rackie the Boob Queen." Fine, ok, not the last two. Starting July 2006, sometimes "Mike," aka "fagadoccio," is a co-poster on the blog. The co-poster child, really.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Voce - The Night I Almost Ate Myself Dead

Q: Why no posting recently, Jules??

A: Because I've been busy nursing.

No, silly! Nursing my pathological need to eat delicious food!

That's me, far right.

Anyway, what with Matty leaving town-- he's headed to Maine this summer to cook at the Islesford Dock Restaurant in the Cranberry Islands-- and me moving of course, we had a lot of last minute eating to do. Plus, it was my birthday and all.

Yay for me! Oops, that's Jessica Alba.

That's more like it.

The point is, with limited time and resources, we hit the places we'd been most wanting to go, starting with A Voce.

And I have to say, of all the places we've ever eaten, A Voce was among the very best. I know "schmancy" plus "Italian" seems uncalled for sometimes, but this wasn't needlessly fancy, it was just absurdly fresh and perfectly cooked Italian. My favorites were the crudo, the octopus (poached first, then grilled-- it melted in your mouth), and the pastas (primavera and a lamb ragu). And of course April's desserts (she knew Matty from Cafe Gray, and sent out one of everything), which I ate most of, especially the dense sorbets and ice creams. That night, I was so uncomfortably full, even after hours of trying to walk it off, that I actually had to take one of the AmBien that my mom gives me for transatlantic flights. I think I'm still working that meal off. But well worth it. We counted, and literally, we had plowed through 20 courses. TWENTY. PIGS! and when you think about all the little starving children out there...

well, you just want to eat them, too.

I said I was pathological.


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